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Sunday, September 15, 2013

New recipes and a photo shoot

I am starting to get sick and bored of my normal eating routine and the foods I have been eating... You would think that someone like me who has about 25 cookbooks I could do something different every once in a while. I do have some GREAT ones! 

I decided a few days ago to just grab a book off my book shelf, and VOW to make all new recipes this week! So, I will be sharing with you the recipes I am going to make.

Part of success in losing weight and looking BETTER than normal, comes from what you eat. As a wellness coach & someone who looked FAR from your average mom prior to getting pregnant, I know this first hand. I also said, "Use food as your FUEL and Medicine". Food should not be a crutch or a means to make yourself feel better after a break-up or a stressful day with the kids or at work.

I also don't recommend using pregnancy as a lame ass excuse as to why you should eat SHIT. Stick with me kid, I will show you how it's done. I am on such a mission when baby Sasha is born, I may even look better than I did before I got pregnant- who knows! I do know this.... I am a mother first, a wife second and everything else comes thereafter, HOWEVER, in order for me to do all of those things as BEST as I can, I need to make sure I am in great shape physically, mentally, spiritually. Being fit isn't just about having a six pack to me. It's about being able to multi task, clean, run to Target, feed the baby, clean the house, wash the clothes and have dinner on the table for my husband every night. If I am out of shape, how can I do all of those things and actually be happy? I would be too exhausted to even know what happiness feels like. 

Ok, so back to my recipes this week: I am using the Cookbook 
"Everyday Happy Herbivore" by Lindsay S. Nixon. This cookbook is low-fat and Vegan. I am not consumed by the word low-fat or Vegan, but more consumed by the way she creates these amazing meals, with stuff you probably already have in your house.

Everyday this week, I will post the picture with the recipes I have made from this book. I'm so excited and now after Mario came with me to Whole Foods and saw all the stuff I bought, he too is excited but more curious! 

I had a little fitness pregnancy photo-shoot today. It went great. My friend Stacy took my pics. Stacy used to train with me, and she is one of my best success stories. 

Here are a few old blog posts with Stacy in them.

It's amazing to look back to my blogs and read about how many people I have inspired over the years! I hope I still have the same fire in my heart to inspire and motivate myself... These days I am exhausted, and all I think about is holding Sasha and sleeping! 
Don't forget to stop back tomorrow for the recipes and pics!

XO Tina

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