Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, September 26, 2013

35 weeks and counting!

I don't think I have complained much at all this whole pregnancy, and as I think back, it's been pleasant, beautiful and happy. With five weeks to go, I think I am entitled to complain at least once on my blog. I'm tired, crabby, waddling, sleepless, my bladder feels like it's going to bust through my sheesh (private area), and my hips feel as though I need a double hip replacement. Nothing fits, and I am so SICK of people saying "wow, five more weeks? You must be having a BIG BABY!" I am peeing and up all night long, I might as well stay up, and do something productive! I'm sick of everything I eat and can't wait to get my taste buds back. I miss the foods I used to love and am starting to get even more sick of eating chicken, turkey, buffalo, and eggs! GAG! I want my veggies and beans back! I want my kale which right now, I can't even stomach. I want my "00" skinny jeans on my ass, and my teeny Lululemon shorts and Body Rock Sports Bras, where I rock my 8 pack! My back is throbbing all day and nothing makes it feel better! Heartburn like a bastard!

Ahh! That felt good. Now back to my 35th week and how much I LOVE this little girl. On Tuesday, I guess Sasha was having a lazy day. She moved, but not like she normally does. I get all kinds of crazy and start worrying that something is wrong when I don't feel her dance all day. She is super active. But on Wednesday she was back to normal.

I have really increased my water lately and have noticed that aside from peeing every 15 minutes, I have more energy and she moves more. Water is one of the MOST important things you can drink for you & the health of your baby. An added bonus: The more water you drink, the less retention you have. I have been so lucky in that department! NO edema, no swollen fingers, my face is still very thin and honestly the only place I am bigger is my belly- I'm "ALL BABY". 

  • To date, I have gained 26 lbs, and will probably hit 32 lbs by the end of my pregnancy which makes me happy. It's the perfect healthy weight gain for my size and frame.

  • Craving Pumpkin like crazy, between pumpkin pancakes, and pumpkin smoothies and today I may make some pumpkin muffins. Sasha may come out orange!

  • At this point I am going weekly for Sasha's NST'S which are her non stress tests. I'm fine with all the Dr. appointments simply because it reassures me that little little pumpkin is strong, healthy and growing. Although today was quite nerve wracking! I was there from 11-1:30! Sasha's heart beat was fine but a few times she had some drops in her heart rate. While it came back up rather quickly, the nurse was concerned enough to call my DR, who then said he wanted me to have an ultrasound. Everything is fine and Sasha is feisty as ever. They think she probably was pressing on her umbilical cord, which stops the blood flow. Ultrasound went great and I was released. UGH! I get so nervous!

  • We are seriously thinking of planning her birth due to our business. I'm not going back to work, however, Mario wants to be home with me & Sasha for a week after she is born, and is going to have one of our trainers cover for him, but in order to do that, we have to know WHEN the baby is coming. I will see what my Dr. says tomorrow. We may just decide on a date and do a C-Section or wait to see what little miss decides. As of right now she is still breeched.

  • Nesting like crazy and I am dying to go up to my attack, but Mario won't let me, he is afraid I will slip and fall down the stairs! UGH! He won't even let me wash the floor, because he knows I'll be on my hands and knees... SO I'll do everything else, and then the last week, I'll get the maids to come in and do an INTENSE scrub down!
Tomorrow is another day closer to Mario and I holding our little Sasha...

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