Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, September 19, 2013

34 weeks today!!!

Wow! So reality is really setting in now. Yea, I know, HELLO! Sasha has been in my belly for 34 weeks now, you'd think It had already set in, but I must tell you.... Putting an infant car seat in my car, and sweating NOT because it's hot out, but because I want to make sure the seat is super secure and safe! LORD have Mercy! 
Cybex Infant Seat- Anton
 I put the car seat in and gulped! She will be here sooner than we think! To think I was just starting to sleep through the night...yes, 19 & 22 years later... we never stop worrying about our babies do we? I always think of my two- Heather 22 years old and Tyler 19 years old, I think about them SO MUCH during the day, but especially at night, so every night before I go to sleep. I say prayers for both of them and out like a light I go..well, until little miss came about. NOW, between the pregnancy and peeing 4-5 times a night and with her about to come into my world, I'll start all over again! I'm so excited and so thrilled to embark on a new journey with my husband as we bring this little angel into the world.

How Far Along? I 34 weeks today-September 19th, 2013. I am becoming more and more obsessed with her! I can't wait to smell her and kiss her little face!

Total weight gain: 25lbs, and it's all in my boobs and belly! My belly is starting to effect my back now. I can't sit or stand too long.... I also feel lots of pressure on my bladder and cervix. As of now, my cervix is closed up tight...I will find out more tomorrow during my ultrasound.

Sleep: sleep sucks! Between peeing 4 times a night, getting leg cramps and now hip cramps, I'm a walking zombie. If I lay at night on my left side for too long, I get a throbbing pain in my hips, so I am constantly switching from side to side. It's getting worse. God is definitely preparing me for her arrival! BRING IT!

Best moment this week: I have had so many great moments! Today I had lunch with my friend Carolyn at her house. So nice to sit outside and catch up! Putting Sasha's carseat in the car was hard, but at the same time, warmed my heart! I can't wait to look in the rear view mirror and see her little head!

Miss Anything? RUNNING and working out like a beast!

Movement: Oh yes, Sasha is running out of room, and digs her head into my ribs, and her tush is constantly sticking out of my belly. Her feet dig into my bladder, and sometimes startles me! She is my little freshy pants!

Food cravings: not really. nothing new I have been craving. Just eating what I can to stay full and NOT bloated. I can't eat big meals...

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope.

Labor Signs: Nope, not yet. But I did have two contractions last week....nothing that phased my doctor though.

Symptoms: Heartburn, back pain, tired in the morning, and pee like a river!

Belly Button in or out? Popped all the way out!

Wedding rings on or off? on and loose!I am happy to say I have no edema. My fingers are still skinny and my legs and feet only swell after I have walked outside in the heat for a mile or two.

Happy or Moody most of the time: THRILLED, but tired, restless too...This girl NEEDS to workout and run!

Looking forward to:
 what the next 6 weeks will be like. Will I have to get a C-Section? Will Sasha finally flip? WIll she stay snuggled in my ribs? I am looking forward to seeing her on the ultrasound tomorrow- She must be so big now!



  1. yeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
    how exciting!!!!!!!!!
    I cant believe you are just a few weeks from meeting your sweet lil baby!!!!
    love the pink careseat btw!!!!! my girls never got the pink seats as infants,my first daughter had her brothers old carseat and my second daughter had a new carseat,but since I knew I wanted another baby,i went gender neutral on the colors--I just *knew* the next baby would be a boy! but having said that,my 2nd daughter does have a new pink toddler carseat now-and she loves it!

    anyways,hang in there! I do hope il miss flips for you soon so you don't have to get a c section!
    sending hugs and positive vibes your way!!!

  2. Thank you Melissa! I'm trying! My back screams all day now...It's amazing to look at me and think before this I had a sick set of abs and a ripped up back...
    Hopefully the next 5 weeks FLIES by!!!!

    PS> if you decide to have another baby and it's a girl, I'll pass it all down to you!
