Countdown to meeting Baby G!

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our Last Beach Day For The Year

Well, sad to say, but we went to the beach for the last time this summer, and it was also the last time it was just Mario and I. Next summer, we will be with Little G! Driving out  to the Hampton's, I couldn't help but to imagine what it will be like with her in the car driving places, packing the car up with all her baby things like her stroller, diapers, food, car seat, etc. I was also imagining how at 9-10 months old, she will probably be yapping our ears off, singing disney songs and having fun with mommy & daddy.

As we arrived at the Hampton Maid Inn for breakfast, there was a full house! The restaurant was filled with little babies, little kids and big kids. It never really dawned on me that Mario and I were always the couple with no kids, execpt for the times when Heather and Tyler would come with us. For the most part, we were the only ones sitting at a table for two. That is all about to change! It's almost still so surreal.

Mario & I talk about Sasha sometimes like she is here already and in a way she is. The way she moves in my belly, responds to MY music, MY voice and the foods I eat, she really is a little person inside of me who just needs a little more time to grow. I'm so protective of her already, and just want to guard her from the world!

The beach was absoultely amazing! The weather was beyond perfect! Not a cloud in the sky, 0 humidity, and a coolness in  the air. I warn you this can be a little dangerous especially if you forget your sunscreen! The sun is super strong! I actually went into the water up to my tush for the first time all summer! That's because the waves were gentle and small, and the water was so perfect.  Mario always tries to get me to go all the way in, but I haven't gone all the way in since about 3-4 years ago! SO, during the day, I would either go with him up to my tush while he swims like a fish through the waves or I would dip in by myself...... That was until I braved it and tried to go in a little more past my tush to cool off, when all of the sudden between a wave coming and the strong undertoe, I got swept onto my ass, pulled under and completely soaked. I tried to get up, but the undertoe pulled me under again. Now I was afraid because of the way I fell, I was worried I hurt the baby. I became so startled, I walked back to our chairs and told Mario what happened and started crying. Now I am NO baby and consider myself a TOUGH CHICK, but when it comes to harming this baby in my belly, I get freaked out! Thankfully, As soon as I sat down, my little G started kicking mommy and wiggling all around. That was a good sign. Come to think of it, she was super active ALL DAY! OH how I love her so much!

I drove to and from the Hamptons, so I was a little more relaxed and not filled with so much anxiety. We didn't hit any traffic and both ways we had a smooth drive. I love when that happens. I told Mario, that my summer is officially over and that I would like to just STAY HOME until our baby comes. No more long drives, no more flying and no more events. I want to NEST! I have 66 more days to go and counting!!!!!!!!!

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