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Monday, June 17, 2013

The looks I get!

Today was a pretty good day. I think laying low on Sunday- Father's Day was a perfect way to relax and deal with the Shingles- Yep! I have Shingles! It's adult chicken pox basically, and while my mom said I only had a mild case, I had 'em. I thought I got bit by moquitos because they LOVE my sweet blood, but after two days up straight ITCHING like crazy, well, two dr.'s confirmed it. BASTARD! I was so nervous little G would get infected from the inside, but, she is safe and also safe with me taking Valtrex. You all know I don't even take Tylenol, but in this case, I have no choice. The shooting pain in my left lower back shoots all the way down my left leg- It's a nightmare! Wednesday I will be on Valtrex for a week, and just yesterday I noticed scabs starting to form where there were once blisters, so the medicine is working, but not so much on the pain yet. Hopefully I NEVER get this EVIL virus again!  

You can see here, doesn't look like much, but if you saw it two days ago, you would think I had something WORSE! It only stays on one side of the body... luckily!
Day two of Shingles.
On to BETTER THINGS! So after I trained my clients, I went home and made two soft boiled eggs and ate 1/2 a banana. The Valtrex leaves me with no appetite, and so NEEDING to fuel this little baby inside, I figured I could get down two eggs and half a banana. I worked out after that and ended up having a GREAT energetic workout! I showered at Equinox and off I went to Bloomingdales. The looks I get are kind of funny. When you see me from far away, I just look like a BIG BOOBED girl, with fit legs. I wore a cotton mini dress, with 3/4 sleeves in gray. It's so comfy and snugs my belly. I feel pretty in this dress and sexy- Pregnant and all. 

I wore my Steve Madden VERY HIGH wedges, which make my legs look longer and leaner. From the back, Mario says he can't even tell I am pregnant until I turn around... BAM, then there she is! :O)

So I am walking into Bloomingdales and now they have a security guard at the door, who I caught red handed eyeing me up and down. I smirked at him like I caught him stealing a piece of bubble gum! It was kinda cute! I was walking towards the escalators and I caught a woman looking right at my belly, and then we made eye contact, she told me that I looked like a beautiful pregnant lady, which I thought was sweet. She wished me luck and we parted ways. ALthough I can't wear MOST of the stuff Bloomies has now, I still LOVE to look...besides, I WILL be back to shop soon.... with Little G in my arms! 

Are you pregnant? What was your "GO TO" outfit? I'm going to LIVE in this dress until she arrives! 



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