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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pregnancy & Survival

So, I'm pregnant... and well yes, I am surviving! I remember we were in Miami back in March and I was 8 weeks pregnant and NO ONE could tell, well, that is except for me of course! My "00" clothes were SNUG and I was miserable! How would I EVER get through the next 7 months of this pregnancy feeling like a big fat blob!? Well, I am! Here are some tips that have helped me get through..... oh and if you are pregnant, regardless of how many times people tell you look BEAUTIFUL or that you are GLOWING or pregnancy SUITS you, you are either the type that sucks up the compliments, or you are like me, I smile say thank you, and inside I am thinking "YEAH, RIGHT!"

The first thing I did when I found out I was pregnant was got some books..... Doesn't EVERY expecting mom? Yea, we have the internet, but I would rather sit and read on my comfy couch. 

Get some great reading material! Here are the books I read and am still currently reading:
Beautiful Babies by Kristen Michaelis.... This book covers nutrition for fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby's first foods. This book is so interesting especially finding out that I don't have to feed little G with those processed baby cereals! WHO KNEW!

What to expect When your EXPECTING by Heidi Murkoff...... This is the ULTIMATE pregnancy guide! It's very well written and you can answer any question you may have during your pregnancy! Every month, I sit and read about what to expect. I just finished reading about the fifth month.

Beyond Ava & Aiden by Linda Rosenkrantz & Pamlea Redmond Satran... This is THE baby name book! There are some names where I scratch my head and wonder how the heck some people name their kids these strange names..... Read it for yourself, you'll see. My client gave me this book, and I have to say I did enjoy it!

Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy is an HYSTERICAL TRUE story pregnancy & childbirth book. Everything MOST of us would think but DARE not say out lous is what this book is. I was laughing out loud as I read it. A friend passed this book on to me, and it was truly entertaining and I was also able to relate to MOST of what she went through.

Eat what your body wants to EAT and DRINK too!

I must say, the first trimester I felt as though some big fat monster invaded my body and brain! All I wanted were CHEESEBURGERS, CHEESE, FROZEN YOGURT, and WATERMELON (that's not so bad). But when you haven't eaten RED MEAT in over 5 years, the thought of eating it can be scary, unless your inner fat monster talks you into thinking it's ALL GOOD! Oh and it was! Two times I went to the SAME place in Greenwich CT- Harvest, for their grass fed burger. I wanted it bloody, with cheese and the bun, along with the fried onions and a side of skinny french fries covered in salt & pepper. This is DEFINITELY a dish I would NEVER normally eat, but when little Miss G says she wants something.... she gets it!  I thought for sure, by the time I hit my second trimester, I would be a HOUSE. Luckily, all those crazy cravings, except for the watermelon have vanished, hopefully along with my inner FAT MONSTER! 

I would normally LOVE to eat things like Wild Salmon, jumbo shrimp, halibut and sea bass, but all of these fish turn my stomach right now. The only fish I could possibly eat everyday is Tuna. The $7 can of American Tuna is all I can eat and since this kind of fish is high in mercury, I force myself to only eat it once  a week.

The one constant in my diet everyday is seltzer water. I can drink 2-3 glasses before dinner! I would normally sip on a few glasses of Prosecco while dining out, but again, I'm all over the seltzer water with fresh squeezed lemon. BOY do I miss my bubbly! I always have my morning iced coffee with a splash of soy,  but I will say I did NOT have any caffeine in my first trimester. Now that I'm in my second trimester with 4 months to go, one cup of coffee a day is fine- I think!

Make yourself up each day!

Anyone who knows me KNOWS how much I LOVE pregnant women. I think they are glowing gorgeous and so elegant... however, when I look at myself in the mirror, I have a hard time thinking the same thing about myself, although my AMAZING husband does a great job of making me feel like Mrs. America! He truly is my gem. As a personal trainer, a wellness coach and a role model to so many women in my life, I always made sure I looked amazing to go to work each day dressed up in my matching LULULEMON outfits. Always wearing the greatest color sneakers, hair always looking like it is done and make up and minimal but fresh and clean. THAT has NOT changed. I FORCE myself to look nice each day even when I don't want to. I know once I apply that tinted moisturize, I will feel like a million bucks. My Lulu's no longer fit, and that's ok, I still rock some of my LULU shorts with big tank tops, that are sort of form fitting around my boobs and belly. Wearing tinted moisturizer gives my skin an instant glow. finish with a great lip gloss or lip balm and I am BEAUTIOUS! Is that even a word?

Rock some sweet Maternity clothes

Here are some of the places I shop for Maternity clothes
The Gap although I can't fit into their maternity stuff yet. I did buy a maxi dress... Probably by August I will fit in the Xtra small

Destination Maternity is where I found my Hudson skinny white maternity jeans, a bra, and some very cute tops. The tank tops are AMAZING! SO soft and comfy. EVERYTHING washing so nicely.

Target is another great place for some cheapy maternity pieces. It's great for me, because I don't plan on getting pregnant again, so I won't feel bad giving away or donating my stuff when I am done with it.

Mommy chic is a Maternity store in Greenwich. This was a one time shopping trip for me at this store. EVERYTHING is top of the line and pricey, again, it's okay if you are building your family, however, I'm not, so the pieces I got I will be wearing a few times after Little G comes home!

Find some things to make you SMILE!
Hormones will get the best of you if you allow them. You have to remember that these 9 months should be the most BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL time of your life, besides, once little one comes, while it MAY be beautiful, you can forget the "P" word- PEACEFUL.... I must say for the past 5 months, With Mario agreeing, I have been pretty damn good. I hear some women talking about how mean and grouchy they were or how all they did was cry and had depression. Thankfully, I have been able to keep my hormones in check. When I am having a "MOMENT", before I lash out at anyone, I have a reality check with myself and make sure it's ME not someone else. I am normally a very sensitive person who wears my heart on my sleeve, that's just me, but thankfully, I have had no reason to flip out, cry or fight with anyone.... It's true, I don't feel like my normal bubbly HYPER, ANT IN THE PANTS self, I feel more calm, subdued and just peaceful.....PS. I still have 4 months to go before you call me the PREGNANT GODDESS!

Finally, take some time to REALLY be alone. I am alone ALOT, and I think that's why I am at peace. Just me and this little girl kicking inside of me to let me know she is there. Love yourself more than normal right now. Enjoy pregnancy and just be.

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