Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Round Liga- WHAT?!?!

That was my post at around 5:45am, lying in bed. Little Miss was saying good morning with a few chops and kicks. I lay there in HEAVEN. I could actually lay there and feel her move all day! I wonder what she's thinking, is she thinking? Is she lonely? Does she hear her mommy talking to her? I almost feel bad if I don't talk to her each time she moves! I know- It's border line an obsession. It's going to be bad.... I can tell already. The world will be crashing and burning but I will have no worries with her in my arms. I was obsessed with Heather and Tyler too! There is something about newborns, I just can't get enough of them! 

I had my 5 month check up today with Dr. Reiss. It was a quicky. he said he is so happy with how she looks. She was head down today, lol. I find it so amusing that she flips around so much, yet I don't feel it, unless I do? Who knows. I expressed to the Dr. that just today on my right side, I have been feeling these sharp twinges... "YEP, that is Round Ligament." So I say, "OH, ok."

Round ligament is a sharp pain in the lower part of your belly or groin area. It's on both sides, but mostly felt on the right side. It's normal (thank God). Where your leg attaches to y our pelvis starts to stretch as the baby grows. 

If you move too quick, You cause the ligament to tighten up rather quickly, like a rubber band. Read more here from Web MD.
Today was cloudy and cool yet very humid... Because I have limited amount of clothes at the moment (normally TOO MANY), I decided on my maternity daisy dukes and a Michael Stars comfy white long sleeve with my high wedges. Something about those damn shoes I love. I feel taller, leaner and sexier, even in silly jean cut off shorts! It's all in the way I feel each day. Today wasn't so bad.

I have to say, I have gained 16 pounds so far, and I feel great. I don't feel fat, or bloated. My legs are staying pretty decent, as my workouts increased in this trimester, I have been able to keep them tight. There is a tiny layer of fat on top, but nothing THIS FIT GREEN GODDESS can't handle! What will be a little humbling for me is when my husband has to help me shave.... um, down there! LOL! I can't see past this belly. It's getting harder. But he's good, and I know he will be up for the challenge. He's nursed me through worse.

My appetite is diminishing, seriously. I have to force myself to eat during the day. I am not sure if it's the Valtrex, the heat or the fact that she is taking up so much room and suffocating my stomach. I will say, I feel ok though. Not light headed or weak AT ALL! I'm in a great mood and just loving and enjoying each moment.

XO Tina


  1. Awwww, congratulations, Tina (and Mario!) This is awesome news. So excited for you guys. xo

  2. Thank you Jill! Miss you! Come up and visit!!!

  3. Congrats to YOU! I am so happy you stopped by my blog!! Happy 22 weeks to you! Gosh it feels like forever since I was 22 weeks, even though it really wasn't so far! I think you just look so adorable as ever, pregnancy looks great on you! Beautiful!

    I am excited to follow your journey since mine is ending! Keep rocking girl! <3
