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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pregnancy Cellulite!

Is GROSS! I think cellulite is gross- PERIOD... I knew getting pregnant would do some temporary damage to my physique, but CELLULITE!?!? I know why I am getting it, however, I am not happy about it! 

So for those of you who are pregnant scratching your heads wondering why YOU are getting it... it's because estrogen and progesterone levels are sky high. SO us poor pregnant women gain fatty deposits, water retention and weak fiber structures. Lovely, huh?

Many of you fitness girls know who Jamie Eason is, right? Well she is pregnant as well. We all do our best at staying fit, but even Jamie as said how the back of her legs look they got hit with a sack of corn. I can totally relate! For people like us who are somewhat perfectionists especially because we make a living working in the fitness industry, it's hard to see our sculpted super legs go to crap while we are pregnant. 

I just hit my 6th month of pregnancy today. While I get so many compliments about how "CUTE" I look pregnant or how adorable I look with a belly, it's my legs that drive me nuts! I spoke with a friend of mine who had twins a little over a year ago, who looks insane now. I asked her what the hell to do that I wasn't already doing... She mentioned the DREADED STAIR MONSTER! As much as the Stair Monster and I aren't crazy about each other, You bet your ass I will be at the gym everyday now with a HUGE jug of water and a sick play list! 

That's it! IT'S GAME TIME!
Inner thigh

I took some pics of my legs today... I warn you now, I did NOT edit them... This will motivate me BEYOND to get back my once INSANE legs that would turn heads!

back of legs
don't laugh at my sox!


Don't forget, I am a peanut! I am 5' 4", and usually weighing anywhere from 109-112, depending on my training and running that week...

But, now that I have some of this dreaded GROSS stuff, Here are some ways to minimize it and maybe hopefully stop more from popping up! OH GOD FORBID! Let me just say that DIETING is NOT one of the ways to get rid of this crap, YOU are pregnant. We need to eat well for our babies.

Tina's Tips!

Idea #1: Let's try not to eat anything processed- that means cheese, sausage, goopy salad dressings, cookies, ice cream and deli meats. I don't eat any of that crap, never did!

Idea #2: Keep your lean protein intake higher. Lean protein like organic chicken breast (for YOU not me, I GAG), Red meat should be kept to a minimum and if you do eat it, make sure it's organic grass fed red meat. Try Buffalo! No fat, SUPER lean and TASTES AMAZING! Wild Salmon is AMAZING for our baby's brain development. It was making me gag for a while, but I had some last night and I am fine. Sardines (GAG) are GREAT for us as well as cod. You want to pick the COLD water fish. You can also try Shrimp and Mussels. NOTHING RAW, so SUSHI is OUT!

Idea #3: Fiber! You need to POOP! We need to keep things moving in our digestive system, besides, it fills you up! Try Ezekiel products, like the bread, wraps and english muffins. Lots of GREENS, I mean TONS of greens! 

Idea #4: Move your pregnant ass girl! Oh yea. I said it! We need at least 30 minutes of cardio per day. We are all at different fitness levels. I was a super athlete before pregnancy running 20-30 miles a week, weight training circuit style 6-7 days a week and eating like a GODDESS 24/7... STILL, when I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't do a thing besides sleep for the first 12 weeks. Now that I fee better, I make it a point to workout every other day. Now that this gross stuff has formed on my legs, I am SUPER OOBER motivated to sweat and get my ass moving for the remainder of my pregnancy!

Idea #5: The foam roller in my opinion increases blood flow and lymph circulation, which can reduce the ugly sight of cellulite! Roll those quads girl, and hams too! Every time you step foot in the gym, that is how you should start your workout! NO JOKE! Either foam roll or get some pre-natal massages. I don't dig anyone touching me right now, so I'll stick to the foam roller! 

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