Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, May 30, 2013

18 Weeks

Can you say HEARTBURN!?!?!? This crap is for the birds, although I wouldn't wish this on a poor little bird. It's nearly PAINFUL! It's this crazy burning sensation in my throat! I don't eat anything processed, fatty or fried...Yet I feel the burn baby! 
Well, I am almost 5 months pregnant! Now the time is starting to fly by... It's crazy! In just a few short days, this belly has expanded like a balloon. 

My energy has increased a bit, but I'm still not a morning person. I get a surge of energy around 12:00, and that's the time I put all my energy into my workouts. I do my best to try and do cardio, but for some reason, I HATE it right now. Maybe too many years of running and my body wants to rest, who knows. I DO have some fierce strength to lift weights in my circuit style training, so it's not like I am NOT getting ANY cardio, just not running right now. All other cardio for me is boring. I was thinking about hopping on a spin bike for my cardio, but the thought of sitting my sheesh on a HARD bike is not something I think I would like right now. 

Everyone who sees me now CLEARLY knows I am pregnant and not that I gained weight. I am carrying pretty high. I still have no hips, thankfully,  but my belly starts right under my boobs! it's round and it's POPPED! I LOVE IT! I LOVE HER! 

I think you are supposed to get food aversions early in pregnancy right!?!? Well for me, I am getting them BIG TIME RIGHT NOW! Everything about animal meat GROSSES me out! I craved jumbo shrimp, I made it and hated it! I made Wild Salmon which I ADORE, and threw it away! It tasted like shit! I REFUSE to eat Chicken (5 years now) and I won't eat ground turkey anymore after reading about the bacteria on it!  SO what am I eating for protein? Tofu (once in a while) American Tuna (brand Name) once a week, and basically loads of eggs and egg whites, with the occasional turkey breast off the bone (NOT DELI MEAT) and protein powder.The rest of my diet is Veggies veggies, fruits, and whole grains like black rice, quinoa, steel cut oats, Ezekiel products.

I had to run to Buy Buy Baby to find a Glider for little G's room. Of course I get sidetracked by EVERYTHING in there! That place is amazing! So for $7.99 each, I got her some little books, to start her library!  When Mario saw the "My Daddy and I" book, his eyes welled up! AWE! He loved the selection of books.  We are still waiting on her furniture, like the crib and mattress and the dresser.... The night stand came rather quick, but the others are taking longer! I hate when you have to WAIT for the delivery and they only give you a 5 hour time frame! REALLY!?!

Are you on Pinterest? I am! Follow me! My baby board is my FAV! Little G's baby Board on Pinterest

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