Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Growing like crazy now!

I am now going into my 7th week (Thursday). My abs are completely non-existent at this point, and I can totally see a baby bump. It's actually pretty cool, how quickly the body responds and preps for the life about to begin inside of me. My embryo resembles a tadpole, but at the end of this week, it starts to ALMOST look like a human. Also, at the end of this week, we will see the heart beat on the ultrasound. I can't even imagine that the baby will already form a digestive system, liver kidneys spleen.

I'm really tired, and not sure- again- if it's because of my lack of movement in the gym, ore because this little Blueberry (the size of my baby). I notice if I take a 20 minute DEEP power nap, I am good. My meals right now are small and frequent because I get FULL really fast, and nauseous. I have not had morning sickness yet, and quite frankly don't want it, but I am open to EVERY part of pregnancy that come my way, and hope all is AMAZING for the next 7 months.

A typical diet for me right now is:
Breakfast: 1 packet Gluten Free Oats, egg white protein, blueberries
or: coconut yogurt with Kashi cereal on top and egg white protein mixed in.

Meal two: 2 egg whites & one whole egg fried with coconut oil spray & 2 slices Ezekiel toast with coconut oil on top.
OR: same as above with 1/2 avocado smeared on top with tomato.

Meal three: this is where I am usually nauseous  so I either have a little fruit, some tea. Just something light to hold me over until dinner.

Dinner: I will ALWAYS have a TON of greens like salad, kale, broccoli, etc. I can NEVER eat enough greens. I will add either Turkey or Buffalo in there, and sometimes keep my diner Vegan. Some days I am more hungry than others, and some days I just eat enough to keep calories in my body to feed my baby.

After dinner: usually chamomile tea and OR: 1/2 grapefruit.

I'm starting to get a little FED up being HOME ALL THE TIME... I'm getting the itch to walk and feel the sun on my body, so I am looking forward to going to Miami with Mario for a few days to soak up the sun! I have been really good the past 7 weeks and NOT over doing ANYTHING, and feel it's time to listen to my body and if I want to workout, I will and if I want to sleep, I will. Either way, I need to FEEL good, otherwise mentally I won't be in a good place. I am very cautious about what I eat, drink, breathe in and how I move around....I'll do what's best for the baby first, and then for me.

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