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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do you know your Blood Type??

What an EXCITING crazy month I have ahead of me! So, you all know that I am currently taking Birth control, which is the weirdest thing for me! LOL! I am already losing my abs from this stuff- I know, it's temporary, but still! And my boobs are slowly growing.  Anywho, I am obsessed with eating clean and working out- It's my job, my passion, MY LIFE. I have been reading a lot lately on fertility, blood type diets, foods to increase fertility along with supplements to boost fertility. I'm not sure I have a fertility issue, as a matter of fact, I don't. we just don't want to delay the baby making process, so we are doing IVF to speed things up!
Do you know your blood type? I was sure I was a type O, come to fiund I am O+. Not sure if I am a secretor or non-secretor, waiting for my Dr, to write me back, however, I find the whole subject quite interesting.

If you are a Type O+ you will find this pretty cool. I found after reading this over and over, it seems to be pretty accurate about ME- You?
Type Os thrive on intense physical exercise and animal protein. (This is certainly me.... Think about it, I am an ANIMAL In the gym, and a half marathon runner). I also LOVE LOVE LOVE buffalo and Turkey.
Unlike the other blood types, Type Os muscle tissue should be slightly on the acid side.
Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meat because they tend to have high stomach-acid content (I do notice that when I eat bufflao or turkey, I can eat a lot, as I NEVER get bloated or full.)
The success of the Type O Diet depends on the use of lean, chemical-free meats, poultry, and fish.  (I always stick to grass fed, NON-MASSPRODUCED lean protein sources)
Type Os don't find dairy products and grains quite as user friendly as do most of the other blood types. ( I can DEFINITELY live without grains)
The initial weight loss on the Type O Diet is by restricting consumption of grains, breads, legumes, and beans. The leading factor in weight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in wheat germ and whole wheat products, which interferes with insulin efficiency and slow down metabolic rate. Another factor that contributes to weight gain is certain beans and legumes (lentils and kidney beans) contain lectins that deposit in the muscle tissues making them less "charged" for physical activity. The third factor in Type O weight gain is that Type Os have a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone or unstable thyroid functions, which also cause metabolic problems. Therefore it is good to avoid food that inhibits thyroid hormone (cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard green) but increase hormone production (kelp, seafood, iodized salt). (I LOVE cabbage, but I can live without it, if it means I will be even healthier!) I just got my Kelp powder in the mail from Amazon, and I bought Nori rolls to replace bread.
Several classes of vegetables can cause big problems for Type Os, such as the Brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) can inhibit the thyroid function. Eat more vegetables that are high in Vitamin K, which helps the clotting factor which is weak in Type Os. The nightshade vegetables can cause lectin deposit in the tissue surrounding the joints. (Ok, so this bothers me, I LOVE tomatoes and eggplants- I also notice arthritis flair ups when I have to much of either of them, so, this is another reason to believe in this type of eating.)
Because of the high acidity stomach, Type Os should eat fruits of alkaline nature such as berries and plums.. (LOVE BERRIES AND PLUMS!)
Type Os should severely restrict the use of dairy products. Their system is not designed for the proper metabolism. If you are a Type O of African ancestry, you should eliminate dairy foods and eggs altogether.  (i haven't had dairy in a,most 7 years. Every now and then I would experiemnt with some, and remember why I can't have it- SEVERE gastrointestional issues!!)
Oh, This girl has been READING so much lately! SO here is what I made in my O+ Blood type Post Workout Smoothie:
You will see:
Sun Warrior Vegan Protein Powder- Chocolate- 2 scoops
Maca Powder- 1 tsp.
Kelp Powder- 1 tsp
Camu Powder (high potency Vitamin C)- 1 tsp
Almond milk- 1 cup
Water- 1/2 cup
Frozen blueberries- 1 cup

Benefits of Kelp

 Kelp is widely consumed in Japan, Hawaii and Alaska. It is a significant source of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and folic acid.

 It is incredibly rich in iodine, which is required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Therefore, it can prove beneficial for conditions like goiter, hypothyroidism, and cretinism.

It is also abundant in many other important minerals including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, and calcium.

It can boost the immune system, improve liver functions, regulate blood pressure and the functions of the pituitary gland, lower the level of cholesterol in blood, control appetite to help lose weight, and maintain pancreas and prostate health.

 It prevents the growth of tumors and maintains the pH balance of the body.

There are basically three species of kelp, that are mainly harvested to prepare extracts and supplements, that are available in the form of tablets, pills or powder. These species are bladderwrack, laminaria and rockweed. If used in moderation, it can provide significant health benefits. But, considering all the side effects, it is imperative to consult a physician or health care professional before taking it for medicinal purposes.

                                                                                                                        Benefits Of Camu

Proponents claim that
 camu camu can boost
 the immune system, aid
 in skin care, and
 preserve eye health. In
 addition, camu camu is
 purported to protect
 against the following
 health problems:
gum disease
Camu camu is  top source of vitamin C, an
 antioxidant vitamin often used to
 strengthen the immune system. 
There's also some evidence that camu camu
 may be high in anthocyanins, another type of

Health Benefits of Camu Camu 

 Here's a look at some key study findings:

1) Inflammation

Camu camu may fight inflammation and
 oxidative stress, according to a 2008 study
 from the Journal of Cardiology. 
For the study, 20 male smokers either drank
 camu camu juice or took vitamin C tablets
 every day for a week.
 At the end of the treatment period, members of
 the camu camu group showed a significant
 decrease in certain markers of inflammation
 and oxidative stress. Members of the vitamin C
 group, meanwhile, did not experience a
 decrease in these markers.

2) Diabetes

Camu camu shows potential in the treatment of
 diabetes, a 2010 study from the Journal of
 Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows. 
In lab experiments, scientists found camu camu
 to  contain high amounts of antioxidants and
 ellagic acid (a substance shown to offer
 antidiabetic effects in some research).


Camu camu is available in a number of different
 forms, including powder, juice, and capsules. I
 like the powder, since I swallow so many
 supplements already, I just toss a teaspoon in
 my smoothies

Sun Warrior Protein Benefits
Warrior Blend fuses and
 multiplies the power of
 several rich protein sources
 into a smooth, great tasting
, and revolutionary
 proprietary formula that is
 overwhelmingly superior to
 the individual components
 alone. This dynamic fusion
, along with a cold extraction
 process, creates a unique
, raw, plant-based protein
 with a complete amino acid
 profile exceptionally high in
 Glutamine, Arginine, Lysine, Luecine, and branch chain
 amino acids.
Warrior Blend is an easy digestible, nutrient
 filled superfood perfect for anyone who wants to
 amplify their health and fitness levels. 
Best of all, it 
tastes phenomenal.
Complete protein contains all essential amino acid
Creates a feeling of satiety (fullness)
Promotes muscle function
Contains no animal products, dairy, egg, gluten, soy, 
added sugar, wheat, or yeast
Ideal for healthy weight-loss
Easy to digest
Increases Energy
A green, allergen-free food suitable for any diet or 
lifestyle, not just vegans

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