Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, November 4, 2012

And so it begins!

Hello friends!

I know it's been a while since I have posted on THIS blog, but I haven't had much to report to you in terms of baby news...... Now if you read my OTHER blog, I bable off like a one year old who loves to hear herself speak! 

Since April, Mario and I have been trying to get pregnant. When we finally decided to use a fertility, it was the BEST decision we made. Something had to give, because NORMALLY I was very fertile. After having the Tubal Reversal, The Dr.'s all said I would have NO problem. GREAT! Well, like two little jack rabbits, sex was all we could have- It was our job and we wanted to be successful. 

Pee sticks, thermometers, Ovulation kits, pregnancy sticks- you name it, I bought it. This brings us to July- NO success, NO pregnancy. Since my sister went to an incredible Dr. and had so much success, I wanted to use the same Dr. who help my sister bring my God daughter into my life. Dr. Nora Miller out of Stamford CT. is who I went to see. When we met, we went through a check list, and she answered all the questions I had. She had Mario do a semen analysis. When she called to tell me my results, I was super excited and realized that there is NO reason I can't get pregnant  The very next day she called to tell me Mario's news. His sperm count was super low. We decided to meet with a Dr. for Mario. This Dr. was awesome, SUPER knowledgeable and put 120% confidence in us that we would get pregnant. After three months Mario's levels came up, but not enough for us to continue to try each month, so all 4 of us decided to do IVF.  

The great news is that my period was a week away, so the sooner I start the process the better! We met with Dr. Miller and she walked us through the process.

1. We did the IVF class with her so we understand the process.

2. I had my blood taken and did the Medication class so I understand how to inject myself with the meds. This was so scary for me, because I do NOT like needles and anytime I get blood taken, I get a little funky in my belly. Mario seems to think it's kinda cute and offered his hands to do the injections. 

3. On the first day of my period, I went to Dr. Miller. This is the OFFICIAL start to my process. We did an ultrasound which is to look for ovarian cysts which there was a tiny one, she didn't seemed worried about.  and blood work to check my FSH Levels- 9.2 and my blood type, which I had an idea, but was off. I'm a 0+ and I thought I was just 0. Good to know your blood type, for sure! 

4. On the 3rd day of my period, which is today (Sunday), I will start birth control, sounds weird, huh? this will decrease my risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation and Ovarian cysts. It can even improve the odds of success! 

I'm not going to lie, this is all so overwhelming and all I could think about is what if I forget to inject or what if I screw up the dosage, I'm so air headed with this stuff.... so not my thing! I am a perfectionist as well as a control freak with my life, I'm so scared I will mess this up! 

I have been doing a lot of visualizing lately, and it calms me, makes me smile and yea, sometimes emotional to think about carrying a little baby in my belly for 9 months- to nurture it, make sure I take extra great care of myself and prepare for this little persons life with us. I think about holding the baby and just watching Mario with our baby. I imagine my kids loving the baby and wanting to be the best big brother and sister ever. This little person will forever change our lives, and Mario & I are ready to become parents to OUR first child.

So, yes, we are over the moon excited! AM I crazy to hope it will happen on the first try? Well then call me crazy, because if it doesn't, we will not do IVF again, simply because the cost is so heavy and our insurance won't cover a DIME! The meds are crazy expensive!

Just wanted to let you all know that this is Stage one, and this is where we are at. At each new stage, I will blog and keep you posted on how I am doing. 

In the meantime, I'll be working out, eating super clean and popping my pre-natal vitamins among all the other supps I take to stay as fit and healthy as I can on the inside.

Keep us in your prayers please.... XX Tina

1 comment:

  1. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is an excellent way to get pregnant after getting your tubes tied, but it is very expensive than Tubal Reversal procedure.
