Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, April 16, 2012

Guess who is OVULATING!

Well, YOU guessed! ME! I guess after all these years, I am finally getting in tune with my body in more ways than one! Could it be a sign form GOD that I got my period the DAY BEFORE my TUBAL REVERSAL? I feel like getting my period before the surgery allows me to ovulate QUICKER, and HOPEFULLY I will get pregnant SOONER rather than later.  Here is something strange.... Without even peeing on the (OVULATION) stick or looking at my period tracker app, I KNOW I am ovulating. I get this little crampy pain near my ovaries, I get these tingles in the Sheesh area, and my whole personality changes. It's almost as if I get period symptoms when I am ovulating. Am I a weirdo? Who knows, all I know is that with these symptoms, and looking at my APP, I was RIGHT! TODAY I started to Ovulate, BUT!!!! The stick only shows ONE line. Hmmmmm... The two lines have to be similar in color and DARK. I am wondering if doing it later in the day makes any difference, so tomorrow morning, I am going to do it when I get up, and see what happens.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed I think. I wasn't in a good mood, I was tired and so emotional today (another sign of ovulation?) Anywho... Mario and I "TREID" last night. It was awkward, painful (my stitches) and felt more like work rather than love making and that is SOOO NOT our way.  He was awkward (he didn't say anything) but I could tell. I can read my husband very well. I layed there afterwards, afraid to pee, because I was afraid the sperm would end up in the toiled and NOT up there! UGH! A client told me to lay there with my legs UP! While I did NOT do such a thing... I did lay there with the hopes some of those suckers are up in there and my egg comes bouncing down and they meet!  SO between last night and this morning, it kind of set the tone for my whole day.....

I had a consultation with my OB-GYN whom I have been going to for about 9 years now. I told him about the TUBAL REVERSAL. He was happy for me (I guess) but I could tell that if I am NOT pregnant in 3 months, he WILL PUSH IVF! SHIT! I hope it happens! Please GOD! He was happy to hear about the length of my tubes which are 7 cm on the left and 8 cm on the right.  SO from what he says...Things look positive but THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE! With me being 40, the chances of course go down. I am going to hope because I am healthy and fit, because I have an incredible diet, because I get my period every 28 days to the day, things will happen soon. I have to be positive.

 These pics are MY info on my Period tracker... Check it out!

 This is my monthly calendar. You can see that on the 8th through the 11th, I had my period, which means that I start ovulatingTODAY! See the green dots from the 16-the 22nd? I am fertile on the 21st. You can list your symptoms, temperature, moods, etc.

Period Tracker is the go-to app to log and predict your periods, know your fertile times, and note when you're having menstrual symptoms (PMS, anyone?) throughout the month. Icons for moods, flow and ovulation (a bright pink daisy!) are cute and light-hearted, making those challenging, emotional days a little easier to take.
 When you see the YELLOW bright MOON, that's a SIGN! Get moving baby!!!!

You can keep track of all of your cycles, and if you r anything like me, I am so forgetful with dates, so this is super helpful with reminding me.

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