Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Moving right along!

How Far Along? I will be 32 weeks on Thursday September 5th! I can hardly believe it! It's getting more real by the day and he more her little head digs into my ribs, the more excited I get to hug and kiss her!

Total weight gain: 24lbs, and it's all in my boobs and belly! 

Maternity clothes? yes. I can no longer wear any of my normal clothes.

Sleep: sleep sucks! Between peeing 4 times a night, getting leg cramps and now hip cramps, I'm a walking zombie. If I lay at night on my left side for too long, I get a throbbing pain in my hips, so I am constantly switching from side to side

Best moment this week: my check up with little G. Watching her on the  big screen in 3d and 4d is incredible! She is moving and growing like crazy.

Miss Anything? Just my clothes, my runs and workouts

Movement: Little G even has the Dr.'s laughing because she just doesn't stop. So, yea, still lots of movement & baby hiccups.. As much as I can't wait to get her out and into my arms, I will miss this feeling.

Food cravings: for about a week I was on an everything bagel scooped out with one egg and two egg whites with ketchup. I'm over that one too now. Lately for the past few days I want VEGGIES! Meat and chicken are grossing me out all over again, which to me is good, because hopefully I can resume my old eating ways when she comes!

Anything making you queasy or sick: no, I just can't eat as much as I could a few weeks ago. I can ha file about 3-4 meals a day

Labor Signs: Nope, not yet

Symptoms: Heartburn, mild rib & hip pain and still some swelling in my calves/feet  and a heaviness and pressure on my bladder. Dr. checked my cervix and she saw that it's perfectly closed up tight, so little G isn't trying to come out yet!

Belly Button in or out? Popped all the way out!

Wedding rings on or off? on and loose!I am happy to say I have no edema. My fingers are still skinny and my legs and feet only swell after I have walked outside in the heat for a mile or two.

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY but tired as hell, anxious and grateful...full of GRACE!

Looking forward to: my two baby showers coming up! I am so lucky and fortunate enough to have the BEST clients in the world. They LOVE both Mario & I and have been with us since before we were engaged. a few of them are throwing me a baby shower at the club! Can't wait!

My little Magoo!
 My two beautiful sister in laws are also throwing me a shower at my sister in law Toni's house! This one is for family and friends... I am just so excited to see everyone!!!!!!
I think I look HUGE in white! In person Mario says no, but um, I beg to differ! Either way, it's almost time for little Miss G to come out and I don't really care about how big I am!

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