Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Getting closer!!!

Holy crap! Time is really sneaking up on us now! This Thursday I will be 30 weeks! 10 more to go! Going away for a break really helped me keep my mind off the "PREGNANCY" and time, and allowed me to connect with my husband and daughter and just relax. Now that I am home again, I am getting anxious about having everything we need for little miss. 

In Laguna Beach August 2013
I am feeling great! I actually feel smaller today than I did about two weeks ago, and I think it's because of all the walking I have been doing! It really helps with making sure the baby is head down, keeping my weight off and just feeling active and productive.  I will say, I am nesting like crazy and just want everything to be perfect for when we bring our little girl home. Her nursery is complete and her book shelf is filling up! SO excited to just order some finishing pieces like her glider where I will breast feed her and her pouf. I decided on a pouf instead of an ottoman due to the size of her room. We want it open, not cluttered.
Mario has been so good about walking with me everyday, anywhere from 1 mile to 1.5 miles. It's nice to have that bonding time with him. It's also nice that the weather here in NY has been incredible and it's only going to start getting cooler now! I am so ready for the cooler temps!
Preparing for Maternity leave makes me a little anxious too. I have been working for so many years, that to think I will be home stating all over with a new baby is kind of scary! I know once she is here, I won't EVER want to leave her, I guess it's just the unknown right now. One thing is for sure, I definitely won't be bored! We will have lots to do, me and my little side kick!
I have found a great person to take my place at work and train all of my girls. Having someone who has the same philosophies as I do in nutrition and fitness is a MUST. I have had all my girls training with me for seven years, so they are used to EVERYTHING about me. They have become my family.  The one thing that will remain are my wellness clients which I work with online. I will also continue on with my fitness blog as best as I can, because doing that not only motivates all my followers and clients, but it will motivate me to get back to my old self again.. THE FIT GREEN GODDESS! 
I haven't used a dumbbell since August 4th. I haven't been motivated by the weights as I am by walking. This week, I am going to tray a little of both. Once I get back to whopping some ass at work on my girls, I will be motivated for sure to whoop my own ass!
My weight so far is 23 pounds gained. NOT bad! I am happy if I reach 30. Anything over that and I may get a little uncomfy. 30 pounds is perfect for the baby and for momma!  I haven't craved anything lately. I also have not been overeating, in fact, the baby takes up a lot more room as does my uterus and placenta, so my stomach can't hold as much food. I am good with four small meals a day.  I drink MORE water now that I am home more and have access to my own bathroom! Thank God! It sucks that I get the energy to go walking and when I find release some endorphins, my bladder can't hang anymore, I gotta find a toilet or get home quick!
Sleep is getting a little uncomfy too. I toss and turn all night long because the baby kicks me hard on the side I am usually laying on. I also pee anywhere from 3-4 times a night! Sheesh!

Aside from all that, I am feeling wonderful and Mario and I are ready to be parents and love this baby to the ends of the earth!

XO Tina

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