Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

26 weeks! Oh my.

Can't even believe I am 26 weeks pregnant! STILL to this day, every time she moves, I am AMAZED that she is inside of me growing! When we went to the Dr, 2 weeks ago, Baby G was around 1.8 lbs. I assume that since then, she has grown even more! Fore sure, my belly has, along with my ass, boobs arms and thighs! LOL!

From what I learned, she opens her eyes this week... NOT that she can see so much, but just knowing that she is developing more and more each day is so fascinating to us.

My sleep has been good, but not as good as it was about a month ago. I get up more each night and the bigger I get, the more I toss and turn. It seems what ever side I am laying on, she wants to knee or kick or elbow me.... When I switch sides, she moves right along with me. In the morning, She either wakes me with some nudges, or I wake her. It's the most amazing way to start the day.

Putting on my sneakers is such a challenge, but I seem to manage. Mario thinks this is all so cute- Grrrr~

Some of the Pregnancy symptoms I have right now are:

I have learned through this pregnancy that big meals do not cut it! I used to be able to inhale my meals, now I have to eat them in steps.

Inccreased discharge. I now wear super thin panty liners. Some days I take two showers, and some days I take three. It all depends on how I feel.

Forgetfulness. I seriously FORGET EVERYTHING! Enough said about that!

Heartburn. Like a MOTHER! NOTHING works, so whatever. I suck it up. It kind of forces me to NOT eat every hour, like I want to on some days!

Increased hunger. Yea, the past 3 days, I am hungry ALL DAY LONG! I can usually guzzle water and forget the hunger pangs for an hour or so, but then, I can't ignore them anymore. I will be doing a post on the BEST pregnancy snacks. I usually have Breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner. I am still able to control and manage what I eat which is usually super clean and healthy.

Fatigue. Some days I can't keep my eyes open. I have NO control over this sleepiness and it causes me to feel down and depressed. The days I feel great, I take full advantage of and make sure I squeeze in my workouts, cardio and anything I can get done.

To date, I have gained 20 lbs. The one thing I am okay with is that I have gained it evenly on my body. My belly is the biggest obviously, but, the fat on me is evenly on my legs, arms glutes and thighs.

100 days to go!!!!!

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