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 BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Getting my workout on!

I've been feeling good lately... working out more and more and able to actually last more than 30 minutes. The hardest thing for me during this pregnancy has been keeping up with MYSELF! I am usually on the go from 6:00 am until about 9:30 when I drop to my pillow for the night. I normally would run 4-5 times a week anywhere from 3-9 miles and train like a beast in the gym about 5-6 days a week burning 500-900 calories per workout- Yea, I'm  a little obsessed. But these days with this little peanut growing inside of me, my energy has come to a screeching HALT! From February until about the end of April, I hardly did a thing and when I did, I wouldn't last more than 20-30 minutes!  I won't deny, I did NOT fight it. I listened to my body which I believe is the best thing you can do for the baby and for yourself.

Most say that around week 14, your morning sickness and fatigue go away. For me, never having morning sickness THANK GOD, and NOT getting my energy back until week 16... I am ready to get going! Now that I have some energy I take full advantage of it. I'm strong in the gym, and LOVE going to the track to walk the track and climb the stairs (not run them).

My only complaint with my workouts is my POST WORKOUT AGONY! I've never been this sore! I'm not used to being so sore and tight. I definitely don't recover as quickly as I did pre-pregnancy. I also used to always suck down some sort of Glutamine with my workouts which aids in post workout recovery. I contacted Sandy from Beverly International, and she told me that she would stay VERY conservative during pregnancy and avoid it to be safe, just stick with my protein and that's it. Well, I listen, because I don't want to do ANYTHING to harm myself or my little girl. I don't even take my protein powder EVERYDAY. I take it MAYBE 3 times a week. I know once it gets warmer outside, I will want more smoothies, but for now, I'll stick to LOADS of eggs, occasional turkey breast, lots of beans.

I had my LAST cheeseburger of my pregnancy making that 2 from a restaurant and one from home. I think it was just a craving because now I get GROSSED OUT at the thought of cheese and red meat. I'm more on a beans kick right now. I've been making some fabulous lentil salads and bean salads with organic corn!  I'm back on my vegan sort of kick with some eggs in there. It makes me feel so much better. I will however listen to my body. If I feel like I need an iron boost, I'll have some ground buffalo or A BluePrint Cleanse Juice: Beets, Apple, Ginger and lemon- SO AMAZING!

Yesterday I went to the gym with Mario. We go our separate ways in the gym, but are together. It's nice. Here is the workout I did:

Legs & Shoulders
Round one: 3 sets 10-15 reps

  • Smith Machine Squats- just the bar and then added 5's on each side for the last two sets
  • Barbell standing shoulder press- 30 lbs. and did 12 reps
Round two: 3 sets 10-15 reps
  • Bulgarian split squat off a bench- 12 reps each leg
  • Side laterals- 10 lbs. one arm at a time.
Round three: 3 sets 10-15 reps
  • Leg extension- 40/15 45/12 50/12
  • rear delt fly standing cable 2.5 lbs. 15 reps
Round four: 3 sets 10-15 reps
  • Dumb bell deadlifts- 25's in each hand 12 reps
  • upright row with a kettle bell- used 25lbs the first two sets then 18 lbs. the third.
Mario wasn't done yet at this point so I figured I would do some cardio. I tried the Arc trainer, but my boobs were happy with the bouncing (even with two sports bras on!) They HURT! SO I got on the stationary bike for almost two miles when he was done, I hopped right off. I'm still not that into the cardio. I feel that it's more important to maintain my lean muscle by lifting weights and do my workouts in a circuit style keeping my heart rate up

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