Countdown to meeting Baby G!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Well..... On February 11th, We did the Transfer, as I am sure you read by now, and if not, you can read that experience right here... My Two Embryos.

I went to Dr. Miller for my first HCG test two weeks later, and it was 221! We were expecting it to be between 50-100. DAMN! This is GREAT, right? That was on a Monday, then on Thursday is soared to 1,581, which I didn't think I heard Dr. Miller right when she said such a HIGH number! Twins? Oh man! TWINS would be a DREAM come true...One baby will be a dream come true, but TWINS!?!?! WOW! So I went back for my third Beta test on the following Monday....and it was 8,488! For SURE it's got to be TWINS! How could I have such HIGH Beta numbers? Mario and I were SOOO thrilled, so emotional and SO MORE THAN READY for this new journey we are about to embark on! I think Mario is so fascinated with the whole science part of this whole thing. Fertility is a STRESSFUL thing to go through, but it's also so beautiful and so amazing!

The last Beta test was on Friday. On Saturday morning I woke up with such BAD cramps. So bad that I got up to get ready to go train my client, but then got back into bed thinking if I just lay down for a few more minutes the cramps would go away.  I am fully aware of the cysts on my ovaries and kept thinking that's what it was. I went to train my client, but the cramps kept getting worse. Running to the bathroom, I checked for blood or spotting and there was none. My client told me to go home, so I did. I called my Dr.. Dr. Miller told me to lay down and do not do a thing, take some Tylenol and just rest. I stayed glued to my bed from 9:30 until 4:00, when Mario got home. I decided to get up and go to Whole foods with him. I felt fine from the Tylenol, but it must have worn off when we were almost done. I got the chills, sweats and severe cramping again, so I left Mario to finish and I went to my car to wait for him. When I got home, I put hot water in a compress and got back into bed. WOW! It worked wonders. NO pain. I woke up on Sunday a brand new person! Was is my cysts? I couldn't tell, so I emailed Dr. Miller just following up. she wrote back saying what I did was great but she was concerned about an ectopic pregnancy due to my tubal reversal and age. From that second on until I got to see her on TUESDAY, I was an emotional BASKETCASE thinking the worst and just uncontrollably crying like crazy. Mario was a mess too, because he didn't know what to do for me to calm me down. I wouldn't leave the house, wouldn't smile, wouldn't take my mind off of the whole thing.

I called Dr. Miller on Monday almost begging to get in, but just couldn't. SO I decided to put my hands up and give it to God. If we are meant to be pregnant we will be, and if not, we won't. Monday was the longest day of my life! Monday night I had the scariest dream- I had a dream I woke up to use the bathroom and I was gushing blood! SERIOUSLY!?!?! I woke up with the sweats and had to shower! I was just a mess.

Tuesday, March 5th, Mario & I went to Dr. Miller for our first ultrasound. LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!! We saw one sac with the fetus in it! Not sure if there was ever another one or if it's hiding or if it dissolved. Right now, as badly as I wanted twins, I am FINE with one baby! I couldn't stop thanking God for all of my answered prayers! Mario & I were so emotional during the ultrasound and so "WOW-ed" by what is growing inside of me. Dr. Miller is THRILLED with how it looks!

It's amazing how I went from scared out of my mind to instantly put at ease when we got such a GREAT ultrasound outcome. Dr. Miller also checked my tubes for an ectopic, but NOTHING. She did find MANY cysts, but right now we need them for transporting progesterone to my uterus... I just have to LAY LOW, which we all know is SUPER hard for me, but I am desperate to ROCK this pregnancy and have a HEALTHY baby!

5 weeks 5 days!

I am 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant. It's too soon to tell the world, SO I am keeping this in my drafts as my journal until I reach at least 7 weeks weeks. Once at 7 weeks, I may explode if I can't share my happiness with the world!

And you can see the difference.... My abs were shredded in the hot pink sports bra, and here I am more bloated between the IVF meds and the pregnancy, already. Since I have had two kids, my body will respond quicker than a woman who hasn't. Also because I was EXTREMELY lean with little body fat, by body will naturally gain weight quick. All great! I can't wait to have a belly and not have to focus on my definition, abs, and body! I am ALL over this pregnancy!

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